Sunday, October 27, 2013

Bad News for Outlaws the Remarkable life of Bass Reeves Deputy U.S. Marshall

Title:  Bad News for Outlaws the Remarkable life of Bass Reeves Deputy U.S. Marshall

Author: Vaunda Micheaux Nelson

Illustrator:  Nelson (Author), R. Gregory Christie

ISBN:  9780822567646


This book is a biography about Bass Reeves.  Bass is a former slave who becomes a U.S. Marshal in Oklahoma. 


This was a great book.  There are so many great uses within the book itself.  The book can be integrated into Social Studies too.  It is also a way to bring a different culture into your classroom.

AR Information
Lexile Information
Age range
8-11 years
Quiz Point Value
Book type
Grade Interest Level
Lexile measure

 Curriculum Connections:







I will use this book as a read aloud when introducing both biographies and the Wild West unit in Social Studies.  This lesson will be an integrated lesson with the social studies unit.  I will also use a video and other material to model for the students the different ways to do research and learn more about their topic.  Art materials will also be incorporated with the lesson.  The students will draw inferences from the art presented and discuss their findings.

Writing and Speaking:

Students will create a unique presentation using multimedia and/or technology.  The students will do some research on Bass Reeves and other important black Americans during the Wild West period.  The student’s presentation can be anything from a rap song to a PowerPoint.  The students will choose this outlet and let their creativity shine.


Additional uses:


Related Internet Resources:

Saturday, October 26, 2013

Lassie the Great Escape

Title:  Lassie the Great Escape

Author: Diane Muldrow


ISBN:  9780307129864


Lassie a border collie has a mean owner.  Lassie escapes the mean owner and meets Timmy, a young boy.  Timmy and his mother had just moved to town.  Does Timmy get to keep Lassie? 


This is a true classic.  I love Lassie.  There are several different aspects that can be used to teach students in the book.  You could even follow it up with the movie.

AR Information
Lexile Information
No Lexile Information Avail as of 10/26/13.
Quiz Point Value
Grade Interest Level


 Curriculum Connections:





I will use this book as a read aloud when introducing how to identify two main ideas in the story.  The students will also discuss the key supporting details that make up the main idea.


The students will write an opinion piece about one of the main ideas from the story.  They must organize their writing in the proper structure and support their opinion.

 Additional uses:


Related Internet Resources:

McSpot’s Hidden Spots A Puppyhood Secret

Title:  McSpot’s Hidden Spots A Puppyhood Secret
Author: Laura L. Seeley
Illustrator: Laura L. Seeley
ISBN:  9781561450879 


McSpot is a Dalmatian who thinks he is better than everyone because he has spots.  He also has a hidden stash of spotted items.  Then one day something happens to McSpot and it all changes.


This is a great picture book.  It is short enough to keep the students interested, but no to long for the tall tales to get drawn out.  There is enough action for the boys and enough inspiration from Rose for the girls.  It is just a cute but odd little book.

AR Information
Lexile Information
No Lexile Information Avail as of 10/26/13.
Quiz Point Value
Grade Interest Level
LG K-3


Curriculum Connections:





I will use this book as a read aloud when introducing the main-idea lesson.


I will have the students break up into groups.  The size of the groups will depend on the number of students in the class.  I will then give each group of students a character in the book.  The students will create a collaborative paper on how the character given to them felt during the story.  Once the stories are complete we will share the stories and discuss them with the whole class.

Additional uses:


Related Internet Resources:

Thursday, October 24, 2013

Thunder Rose

Title:  Thunder Rose

Author: Jerdine Nolen

Illustrator: Kadir Nelson


Rose unique from birth, accomplishes some amazing things during her life.  She is great with making things out of metal, calming a charging herd of cattle, and many more amazing things.


This is a cute fiction book.  It is short enough to keep the students interested, but no to long for the tall tales to get drawn out.  There is enough action for the boys and enough inspiration from Rose for the girls.  It is just a cute but odd little book.

AR Information

·       Level: 5.4

·       Quiz points value:  .5

·       Grade Interest Level: K-3

Curriculum Connections:





I plan to use this book to introduce the genre of tall tales.   This book will be used as a read-aloud book.


      Create their own tall tale to share around our camp fire (make believe camp fire of course).

Additional uses:

This could also be integrated into Science with the weather elements and Social Studies with the Wild West feel.

Related Internet Resources:

Big Ron's Mission by Corinne Naden

Title:  Big Ron’s Mission

Author: Corinne Naden

Illustrator: Don Tate


Ron loves books, but growing up the in 1950’s it was easy for Ron.  He couldn’t even check out books in the library.  This is a book about his love for books, and the beginning of his inspiration that would lead to him becoming an astronaut.


I love this book.  It has so many great things going on within the book.  There are many different ways for students to learn from this book.

AR Information

·       Level: 2.9

·       Quiz points value:  .5

·       Grade Interest Level: K-3

Curriculum Connections:

I will have the students create a news report of the book.





My plan at this point is to start with small group discussion about the book and each student’s point of view.  The students will then discuss their point of view during a whole class discussion.

Speaking and Listening:

My plan is for students to be broken up either pairs or triplets.  I want each student to have a role in the news cast. I want them to report on the events of the day.  This report can be on any aspect of Ron’s life that they consider important.

 Additional uses:


Related Internet Resources:

The Little Red Hen

Title:  The Little Red Hen
Author: Paul Galdone



This story is about a hen, a cat, a dog, and a mouse that all live together in one house.  Hen is left with all the chores every day.  So, hen sets up a plan to teach the others about the importance of doing your chores.


·       This is a cute book for younger students 

·       It would be a great way to introduce them to a different genere and have them discuss the book.

AR Information

·       Level: 2.9

·       Quiz points value:  .5

·       Grade Interest Level: K-3

Curriculum Connections:

I would use this book to have the students write a letter of apology to Hen for not helping with the chores.





My plan at this point is to use the story to discuss the characters in the story and what the characters could have done differently. 


My plan for writing will be to use the story for the students to create an apology letter to Hen for their actions.

 Additional uses:

This would be a good story to have the students do an alternate ending as well.


Related Internet Resources:


The Titanic Lost…and Found

Title:  The Titanic Lost…and Found

Author: Judy Donnelly

Illustrator: Keith Kohler

A fantastic ship takes a voyage across the Atlantic when it hits an iceberg and sinks.  Many people parish in the cold waters and the ship was lost forever at the bottom of the ocean.

4.5  Stars

·       This is a great historical fiction book. 

·       A book for K-3 grades.

·       I do have to admit I am a little particle to all things Titanic since my son has been obsessed with the ship since the age of two.

Curriculum Connections:

I would use this as a starting point for a project about Titanic. This would be a two or three day long project done in the classroom.





My plan at this point is to use the story to discuss the characters in the story and the character traits and feelings during the tragic event. 


My plan for writing will be to use the story for the students to create an in-depth presentation on the Titanic, its passengers, etc.  The students will be free to choose which way they would come at the topic.

Additional uses:

 I would also use this in both science and history.  In science you can look at the dimensions of the ship.  In social studies you could learn more in-depth about the ship and the travelers on the ship.  This would be a great way for the students to see how the sinking affected our lives since the ship sank.

 Related Internet Resources: