Thursday, October 24, 2013

The Titanic Lost…and Found

Title:  The Titanic Lost…and Found

Author: Judy Donnelly

Illustrator: Keith Kohler

A fantastic ship takes a voyage across the Atlantic when it hits an iceberg and sinks.  Many people parish in the cold waters and the ship was lost forever at the bottom of the ocean.

4.5  Stars

·       This is a great historical fiction book. 

·       A book for K-3 grades.

·       I do have to admit I am a little particle to all things Titanic since my son has been obsessed with the ship since the age of two.

Curriculum Connections:

I would use this as a starting point for a project about Titanic. This would be a two or three day long project done in the classroom.





My plan at this point is to use the story to discuss the characters in the story and the character traits and feelings during the tragic event. 


My plan for writing will be to use the story for the students to create an in-depth presentation on the Titanic, its passengers, etc.  The students will be free to choose which way they would come at the topic.

Additional uses:

 I would also use this in both science and history.  In science you can look at the dimensions of the ship.  In social studies you could learn more in-depth about the ship and the travelers on the ship.  This would be a great way for the students to see how the sinking affected our lives since the ship sank.

 Related Internet Resources:

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